Salt Works Design

Shriraam Engineering: Experts in Salt Evaporation and Crystallization Design

Shriraam Engineering specializes in engineering and civil design for Salt Evaporation and Crystallization areas. Our team of experts is dedicated to creating customized salt works designs that maximize yield and efficiency. With extensive experience in designing and improving Salt Ponds, we are committed to enhancing salt production and optimizing overall production processes.
At Shriraam Engineering, we pride ourselves on conducting thorough studies on various factors such as climate, land areas, water quality, and brine quality to tailor each design to create highly efficient evaporation areas. Our team’s expertise allows us to enhance salt production, increase evaporation and crystallization rates, and optimize overall production for our clients.
We understand the critical factors that contribute to the success of these projects, including land areas, soil quality, climatology, and biological considerations. By taking a comprehensive approach to each project, we ensure that our clients receive the best possible solution for their unique needs.
By providing personalized attention to each project and utilizing our expertise in the field, we are able to deliver designs that exceed our clients’ expectations. Our portfolio includes Salt Works ranging from 30 Hectares to 7,000 Hectares, with production capacities ranging from 5,000 Tons per year to 2 million Tons per year

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356, V.E. Road, Tuticorin- 628002.
Tamilnadu, INDIA

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